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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

20+ Years of Experience Empowering Special Needs Children

Introduction to Dharithree USA

Established in 2021, Dharithree USA is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit fundraising organization-TAX ID 86-3726338-to financially support Dharithree India. As only volunteers run the organization the administrative costs are negligible.  

Dharithree India was established in 2003 in Bengaluru as a not for profit organization to empower ‘special needs children.’  Accordingly, Dharithree runs three centers, two within the Bengaluru metropolitan area and one in rural Narasipura village near Tumukuru, Karnataka, India.  Whereas the two metropolitan centers are day centers, the Narasipura facility is both a day and a residential facility  on an approximately 5 1/2 acre land owned by Dharithree. 

The unit includes a beautiful school building and residential homes separately for boys and girls, currently accommodating around 60 children with a capacity to house100. The property also has various buildings to provide specialized physical, mental, music and other therapies customized to each child’s needs. These therapies are also provided to children at the other two metropolitan centers. Academic education and vocational training are also provided. The children in all the centers are provided with health, vision and dental care as well as nutritious meals. A sports training unit is being planned to train children to compete at the Paralympics. The administrative costs are less than fifteen percent well below industry standards. Please watch the short video below.

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Immortalize Your Dear Ones

For a donation of $ 10,000 or Rupees ₹ 8,00,000 we will install a plaque permanently in eternal memory of your near and dear ones.